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Paroedura pictus
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Paroedura pictus

Paroedura pictus is a groundliving gecko. It can reach a total length between 15 and 20 cm(6 and 8inches)


The care is very simple. Generous amounts of calciumdusted food every or every other day. At the same time a light spray of water is recommended. Daytime temps of about 25 degrees Celsius( 75 degrees Fahrenheit) with a hotspot reching 35 degrees Celsius(95 degrees Fahrenheit) works fine and at night the temperature can be allowed to drop to about 20 degrees Celsius(68 F)


The cage furnishing can be kept very simple: A layer of sand in the bottom,  a few rocks and pieces of cork bark as hides, and a hide/moisture box.

Today P pictus is available in a number of different colour/pattern morphs´. My animals are of two pattern varieties, striped and "normal", and of two colour varieties, "normal" and "xhantic". The "xhantic" variety is a variety with a lot more red/orange than the average "normal" variety because it lacks most of it´s dark pigmentation which I find very attractive.


These animals are extremely productive and that means they will need to be taken care of very carefully not to risk losing the females due to rachitis or eggbinding. One highly recommended solution is to keep the sexes apart except for occasional matings.


P pictus is an amazing gecko. Normally they are very docile but when food is at stake they are some mean hunters with capability of very high speed.


P pictus is also a very curious species. Every time I enter my reptile room they either peek out of their hides or run to the front glass of the cage.

P pictus is a highly recommendable species for beginners.

© 2008-2009 Northern Geckos
Last updated
2012-01-31 19:53