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Other species
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus
Oedura monilis
Hemidactylus triedrus
Teratolepis fasciata(Hemidactylus imbricatus)
Tropiocolotes persicus
Paroedura pictus
Diplodactylus tesselatus
Pachydactylus montanus

Oedura monilis

Oedura monilis belongs to a group of australian geckos with a velvety skin and they are hence commonly named "Velvet geckos" . The reason for this velvety skin is the small and smooth scales of the geckos.

They are medium-sized geckos that prefer temperatures between 24 and 30° C. Their demands are very modest and they are easily kept in a dry terrarium equipped with a few pieces of rock, a few branches for climbing and a humidity box.


When needed they are blindingly fast but under normal circumstances they are very calm and peaceful. One of my females even crawls voluntarily into my outstretched hand if she gets the opportunity.

© 2008 - 2009 Northern Geckos
Last updated
2012-01-31 19:53